
Showing 1–15 of 168 results

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category :  Lit Width X Height:50 X 25 Total Sqft : 1250 Haording code:MU_1049

Air port road opp uraban oiasis mall

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category :  Lit
Width X Height:50 X 25
Total Sqft : 1250
Haording code:MU_1049

SKU: MU_1049 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category : Lit Width X Height: 26 X 26 Total sqft : 676 Hoarding code: JD_864

Airport Road,Towards Market Hubli

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category : Lit
Width X Height: 26 X 26
Total sqft : 676
Hoarding code: JD_864

SKU: 3264 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Non-Lit Width X Height: 20 x 25 Total Sqft: 500 Hoarding code: GA_1131

Akki Honda circle

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Non-Lit
Width X Height: 20 x 25
Total Sqft: 500
Hoarding code: GA_1131

SKU: GA_1131 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Lit Width x Height: 50x20 Total sqft: 1000

Ambedkar Circle Lamington Road Hubli

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Lit
Width x Height: 50×20
Total sqft: 1000

SKU: 629 Category: Tag:

Category : Lit Height X Breadth: 20 X 30 Dimension : 600 sqft Product code: GA_863

Ashok Nagar,Railway Bridge Hubli

Category : Lit

Height X Breadth: 20 X 30

Dimension : 600 sqft

Product code: GA_863

SKU: 3262 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category : Lit Width X Height:60 X30 Total Sqft :1800 Haording code:MU_1055

Bankapura Chowk towards Chennamma Circle and New English School

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category : Lit
Width X Height:60 X30
Total Sqft :1800
Haording code:MU_1055

SKU: MU_1055 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category : Lit Width X Height:100 X 30 Total Sqft : 3000 Haording code:MU_1056

Bankapura Chowk towards Varur, P.B Road

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category : Lit
Width X Height:100 X 30
Total Sqft : 3000
Haording code:MU_1056

SKU: MU_1056 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category :  Lit Width X Height:40 X 20 Total Sqft :800 Haording code:MU_1043

Basava Vana Circle, FTT I.T Park Road

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category :  Lit
Width X Height:40 X 20
Total Sqft :800
Haording code:MU_1043

SKU: MU_1043 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Lit Width X Height: 30x30 Total sqft: 900 Hoarding Code: RG_867

Channamma Circle

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Lit
Width X Height: 30×30
Total sqft: 900
Hoarding Code: RG_867

Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Non-Lit Width x Height: 40x25 Total sqft: 1000

Channamma Circle Hubli

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Non-Lit
Width x Height: 40×25
Total sqft: 1000

SKU: 620 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Non-Lit Width X Height: 40x20 Total sqft: 800 Hoarding Code: RG_569

Channamma Circle, Hubli

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Non-Lit
Width X Height: 40×20
Total sqft: 800
Hoarding Code: RG_569

SKU: NEEV_569 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Non-Lit Width x Height: 15x25 Total sqft: 375 Hoarding Code: RG_1241

Channamma Circle, Towards Vidyanagar

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Non-Lit
Width x Height: 15×25
Total sqft: 375
Hoarding Code: RG_1241

Category: Tag:

Category :? Lit Height X Breadth: 30 X 30 Dimension : 900 Product code: RG_867

Channamma Circle( 2)

Category 😕 Lit

Height X Breadth: 30 X 30

Dimension : 900

Product code: RG_867

SKU: 3276 Category: Tag:

Category :? Lit Height X Breadth: 23 X 31 Dimension : 713 Product code: RG_869

Channamma Circle(3)

Category 😕 Lit

Height X Breadth: 23 X 31

Dimension : 713

Product code: RG_869

SKU: 3277 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category :  Lit Width X Height: 30 x 30 Total Sqft : 900 Hoarding code:GA_1121

Chenamma Circle

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category :  Lit
Width X Height: 30 x 30
Total Sqft : 900
Hoarding code:GA_1121

SKU: GA_1121 Category: Tag: