Showing 1–15 of 52 results

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Showing 1–15 of 52 results

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Non-Lit Width X Height: 20 x 25 Total Sqft: 500 Hoarding code: GA_1131

Akki Honda circle

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Non-Lit
Width X Height: 20 x 25
Total Sqft: 500
Hoarding code: GA_1131

SKU: GA_1131 Category: Tag:

Category : Lit Height X Breadth: 20 X 30 Dimension : 600 sqft Product code: GA_863

Ashok Nagar,Railway Bridge Hubli

Category : Lit

Height X Breadth: 20 X 30

Dimension : 600 sqft

Product code: GA_863

SKU: 3262 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category :  Lit Width X Height: 30 x 30 Total Sqft : 900 Hoarding code:GA_1121

Chenamma Circle

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category :  Lit
Width X Height: 30 x 30
Total Sqft : 900
Hoarding code:GA_1121

SKU: GA_1121 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Pole Kiosk Width X Height: 2x4 Total Sqft: 8 Hoarding code: GA_1147

Club Road Towards Keshwapur

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Pole Kiosk
Width X Height: 2×4
Total Sqft: 8
Hoarding code: GA_1147

SKU: GA_1147 Category: Tag:

Category : Lit Height X Breadth: 25 X 25 Dimension : 625 sqft Product code: GA_861

Coin Road Near U Mall Hubli

Category : Lit

Height X Breadth: 25 X 25

Dimension : 625 sqft

Product code: GA_861

SKU: 3257 Category: Tag:

Categories: Non-Lit Width X Height: 30x42 Total sqft: 1260 Hoarding Code: GA_009

Coin Road traffic from women’s college

Categories: Non-Lit

Width X Height: 30×42

Total sqft: 1260

Hoarding Code: GA_009

SKU: GA_009 Category: Tag:

Categories: Non-Lit Width X Height: 30x20 Total sqft: 600 Hoarding Code: GA_003

Dharwad Gandhi nagar

Categories: Non-Lit

Width X Height: 30×20

Total sqft: 600

Hoarding Code: GA_003

SKU: GA_003 Category: Tag:

Non Lit

Dharwad NTTF

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Dharwad Category : Non Lit Width X Height: 40 x 15 Total Sqft: 600 Hoarding code:GA_1135

Dharwad NTTF

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Dharwad
Category : Non Lit
Width X Height: 40 x 15
Total Sqft: 600
Hoarding code:GA_1135

SKU: GA_1135 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category : Non Lit Width X Height: 20 x 26 Total Sqft : 520 Hoarding code:GA_1124

Durgad bail circle

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category : Non Lit
Width X Height: 20 x 26
Total Sqft : 520
Hoarding code:GA_1124

SKU: GA_1124 Category: Tag:

Categories: Non-Lit Width X Height: 25x30 Total sqft: 750 Hoarding Code: GA_007

Durgad Bail circle

Categories: Non-Lit

Width X Height: 25×30

Total sqft: 750

Hoarding Code: GA_007

SKU: GA_007 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Gadag City: Gadag Category: Non-Lit Width X Height: 25x25 Total sqft: 625 Hoarding Code: GA_012

Gadag- Entrance from Hubli Near Vidhansoudha

State: Karnataka
District: Gadag
City: Gadag
Category: Non-Lit
Width X Height: 25×25
Total sqft: 625
Hoarding Code: GA_012

SKU: GA_012 Category: Tags: ,

Categories: Non-Lit Width X Height: 25x20 Total sqft: 500 Hoarding Code: GA_013

Gadag- Entrance from Hubli Near Vidhansoudha

Categories: Non-Lit

Width X Height: 25×20

Total sqft: 500

Hoarding Code: GA_013

SKU: GA_013 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Non-Lit Width X Height: 30 x 25 Total Sqft: 750 Hoarding code: GA_1141

Gokul Road Nr Vikas Nagar Circle

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Non-Lit
Width X Height: 30 x 25
Total Sqft: 750
Hoarding code: GA_1141

SKU: GA_1141 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category:  Lit Width X Height: 30 x 25 Total Sqft: 750 Sqft Hoarding code: GA_1142

Gokul road Opp Clerks Inn Hotel

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category:  Lit
Width X Height: 30 x 25
Total Sqft: 750 Sqft
Hoarding code: GA_1142

SKU: GA_1142 Category: Tag:

State: Karnataka District: Dharwad City: Hubli Category: Non-Lit Width X Height: 30x20 Total sqft: 600 Hoarding Code: GA_006

Gokul Road Towards Urban Oasis Mall

State: Karnataka
District: Dharwad
City: Hubli
Category: Non-Lit
Width X Height: 30×20
Total sqft: 600
Hoarding Code: GA_006

SKU: GA_006 Category: Tag: